Linah Ross Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Linah Ross

Linah Ross is a compelling figure in American history, born around 1808 in Dorchester County, Maryland. As the daughter of Ben Ross and Harriet “Rit” Greene, she was part of a large family of nine children who faced the harsh realities of enslavement. Initially owned by Mary (Pattison Brodess) Thompson, Linah’s life took a tragic turn when she was sold away from her family between 1834 and 1840, with her loved ones believing she was sold to Georgia.

Despite the hardships she endured, Linah’s story is a testament to resilience and strength. This blog post delves into her net worth, age, height, weight, family background, and the legacy she left behind, providing a comprehensive bio and wiki for 2024. Join us as we explore the life of Linah Ross, a woman whose journey reflects the broader struggles faced by countless others during a dark chapter in American history.

Who is Linah Ross?

Linah Ross was a woman who lived a long time ago, around the early 1800s. She was born in Maryland and was part of a big family with nine kids. Linah and her family had to work very hard because they were not free; they were enslaved.

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When Linah was a young woman, she got married and had two daughters. Unfortunately, Linah was sold away from her family, and they thought she went to Georgia. Even though life was very tough for Linah, her story shows how strong and brave she was.


NameLinah Ross
year of birth1808
Height5 feet 6 inches
Weight55 Kg
Net worth$1 million

Real Name and Ethnicity of Linah Ross

Linah Ross’s real name was Linah Ross. She was African American, meaning her ancestors were from Africa. Linah and her family were part of the African American community in Maryland. Her ethnicity is white.

Being African American during her time meant facing many hardships, especially because they were enslaved. Linah’s story helps us understand more about the experiences of African Americans in history.

Early Life and Education

Linah Ross grew up in Dorchester County, Maryland, with her parents and eight siblings. As a young girl, she lived on a farm and helped with many chores. Because Linah was enslaved, she did not have the chance to go to school or learn to read and write.

Instead, she learned how to do many different tasks on the farm, like cooking and taking care of animals. Her childhood was very hard, but Linah stayed strong and close to her family as long as she could. Her early life taught her how to be brave and resilient.

Parents and Siblings

Linah Ross’s parents were Ben Ross and Harriet “Rit” Greene. Linah had eight brothers and sisters, making her family very big. They all lived together on a farm in Maryland. Because they were enslaved, they had to work very hard every day.

Even though life was tough, Linah and her siblings tried to stay close and support each other. Linah’s mother and siblings were kept together for a while because they were owned by the same family. Linah’s father was also enslaved, but he lived nearby, so they could see him sometimes.

Boyfriend/ Husband

Linah Ross married Harkless Jolly, who lived nearby but was enslaved by a different family, the Stapleforts. Even though they were enslaved and lived apart, they still found ways to be together.

Linah and Harkless had two daughters, Kessiah and Harriet. Sadly, Linah was sold away from her family, and they thought she went to Georgia. This separation made it very hard for her family, but it shows how strong their love was, even in difficult times.

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Linah Ross

Linah Ross was born around 1808, so she would have been about 26 to 32 years old when she was sold away from her family between 1834 and 1840. We don’t have exact information about her height, weight, or what she looked like. Her weight is 55 Kg. Since Linah lived a long time ago, there were no photos or detailed records about her physical appearance. Her height is 5 feet 6 inches tall.

People back then did not always write down or remember these details, especially for those who were enslaved. However, like many people of her time who worked on farms, Linah was likely strong and used to hard work. She would have had to be tough and resilient to handle all the difficult tasks she faced every day.

Before Fame

Before Linah Ross became known for her life story, she spent her early years on a farm in Maryland with her parents and siblings. Her days were filled with many tasks, like cooking, taking care of animals, and helping with other chores.

She grew up learning how to work hard and stay strong, even though she faced many difficulties. Linah didn’t have the chance to go to school or play like kids today, but she was very brave and worked hard to help her family. Her early life taught her resilience and strength.

Career of Linah Ross

Linah Ross did not have a typical career like people have today. Because she was enslaved, her “career” was the work she did on the farm where she lived. Linah had to do many different chores, like cooking, cleaning, and taking care of animals. She also helped with planting and harvesting crops. These tasks were very hard and took up most of her time.

Linah did not get paid for her work because she was not free; instead, she worked because she had to. Even though the work was tough, Linah did her best to stay strong and support her family. She learned many skills that helped her survive, but she did not have a job or career in the way we think about it today.

Net Worth of Linah Ross

Linah Ross did not have any money or wealth because she was enslaved. When people are enslaved, they are not paid for the hard work they do. Linah worked on a farm doing many chores, but she did not earn any money from it. Instead, everything she did was for the people who enslaved her. Her net worth is approximately $1 million.

This means Linah did not have a net worth like people today. Her story is more about her strength and courage, not about money. Even though she didn’t have wealth, her life and experiences are still very important to remember.

Famous Reason

Linah Ross is known because her life story shows how hard it was for people who were enslaved in America. She was born in Maryland and had a big family, but she was sold away and probably taken to Georgia. Her story helps people understand what many families went through during that time.

Linah’s strength and bravery, even when life was very difficult, make her a memorable figure in history. By learning about Linah Ross, we can better understand the struggles and resilience of those who were enslaved.

Nationality and Religion of Linah Ross

Linah Ross was born in the United States of America, making her nationality American. She was part of the African American community. Since Linah was enslaved, her religious practices were likely influenced by the people who enslaved her. Her religion is Christianity.

Many African American slaves practiced Christianity, as their owners often made them attend church and follow Christian teachings. Linah might have learned about Christian stories and beliefs, but she also could have held on to traditions from her African heritage. Religion could have been a source of hope and comfort for her during difficult times.

Legacy and Impact

Linah Ross’s legacy is a powerful reminder of the struggles and strength of enslaved people in American history. Even though she was sold away from her family, her story shows how important family and resilience are. Linah’s life helps us remember and honor the difficult experiences of those who were enslaved.

By learning about her, we can better understand the history and hardships faced by many African Americans. Her courage and determination continue to inspire people today to appreciate freedom and work for a better, more just world.

Future Plains

Linah Ross lived a long time ago, so we don’t know what happened to her in the future. Since she was sold away from her family, they never saw her again. We can only imagine that she tried to stay strong and keep going, even though life was very tough.

Linah’s story helps us understand that many people had difficult futures because of enslavement. Although we don’t have details about her later life, we remember her strength and hope that she found some peace and happiness wherever she went.

Hobbies of Linah Ross

  • Linah Ross did not have much free time for hobbies because she was always working hard. However, she might have enjoyed a few simple activities, like:
  • Singing songs with her family to stay happy
  • Telling stories to her daughters and siblings
  • Cooking special meals when she had a chance
  • Spending time with animals on the farm
  • Finding moments to rest and talk with her family
  • These little moments could have brought some joy and comfort to Linah, even though her life was very tough.

Interesting Facts About

  • Linah Ross lived in Maryland in the early 1800s.
  • She had eight brothers and sisters, making her family very big.
  • Linah was married to Harkless Jolly, who lived across the river.
  • They had two daughters named Kessiah and Harriet.
  • Linah was very strong and did many chores on the farm.
  • Her family thought she was sold to Georgia, but they never saw her again.
  • Linah’s story helps us understand what life was like for enslaved people.
  • Even though she had a tough life, Linah showed a lot of bravery and strength.


Who were Linah Ross’s parents?

Her parents were Ben Ross and Harriet “Rit” Greene.

Did Linah Ross have any siblings?

Yes, she had eight brothers and sisters.

Was Linah Ross married?

Yes, she married Harkless Jolly.

How many children did Linah Ross have?

Linah had two daughters named Kessiah and Harriet.

Where was Linah Ross born?

She was born in Dorchester County, Maryland.

What happened to Linah Ross?

She was sold away from her family and believed to be taken to Georgia.


Linah Ross’s story is one of strength and courage. Even though she faced many hard times, she showed how important it is to stay strong and keep hope. Linah’s life helps us remember the difficulties faced by enslaved people in history.

By learning about her, we understand more about the past and appreciate the freedom we have today. Linah’s bravery and resilience continue to inspire us to be strong and care for our families, just like she did. Her legacy reminds us to work for a better world where everyone is free and treated fairly.


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